I wish I had a mirror
It's nearly one in the morning. This means my post will either be extremely lucid or terribly worded.
We ended up not watching anything, so I still have the two free tickets. I'm thinking about what to do with them. Instead, we talked in length about our group's recent beef/interests, something I'm not really going to delve into online and in the open. Trust me, though, it was a bachelor's rant-fest- whatever that means, or implies. We talked a lot about boldness in relationships, and that set me off, because I'm a terribly introverted when it comes to making advances; at the very least, it's how I view myself. I have some cases in point, not all of which I feel like discussing even in my nocturnal stupor.
It's really weird when something completely unexpected occupies your thoughts. You don't trust it, you feel it's below you, but it nags you all the same. Strange, but aggrevating.
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