Sunday, June 22, 2003

Alright, so here's the deal so far:

We left at 7:30 in the morning- took a 2 hour drive to Springfield (I might add that this was simply to save 200 bucks), and I left alone for Chicago onboard one of those really shitty planes, the real small ones. I arrive at Chicago, and I barely have the time to even walk to the concourse I'm supposed to be in, much less buy a decent book to read. I board a much larger, and consequentially more crowded 767 Boeing. The flight is four hours of torture- squished between the window and a cranky old tub of lady. I tried to eat lunch, I really did.

So, I get to San Fransisco airport- I have to wait about 45 minutes with two other kids and a counselor for the shuttle- which then takes its 30 minute silent ride to Stanford, with about 20 people on board. Yeesh. Not a single word. I figured everyone was contemplating how much smarter they were than the guys next to them. the camp was cool, people there actually appreciated my dry humor. We ate, got settled in our rooms, did a little intro game (every camp does it), and now it's 8:47 and I'm bored here, posting to my blog. I'm really bored, but I figure I'll find something. The guy next to me says they have air hockey.


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