Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Room 1408

I'm adding shout outs to the blog despite the suspicions that nobody even reads the thing, so they probably won't do anything.

Life in the program is getting to become a wierd mix between fun filled activities and dull moments when I'm waiting for lights out.
It's strange, isn't it?

I've burned through 3 books in the process so far: Orson Scott Card's Shadow Puppets, The Fifth Harry Potter, and Stephen King's Everything's Eventual. They were all very good books, though I have to say my opinion of Harry Potter is diminishing. I don't know why, but it just is. So sue me. Puppets was a very good ending to Card's Bean saga, though it is a bit sad- poor Achilles, nobody really loved him. Stephen King was as always entertaining, I think some of the stories in it were the most "scary" I've ever read. *sigh* What to do, what to do....


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