Saturday, December 20, 2003

I tried to switch the blog to, but the whole thing is bullshit, and they didn't let me use my own custom html code. So screw them, I'll take my personality over a pretty picture and chats anyday. But that't not why I came here to post. Oh no siree, it was not.

The subject of today's post, is incidentally, today. The end of our 2003 junior year. God bless, amen. Classes were shortened, a little humorous switch of the Mr./Ms. Universe donations was done, and a party was to be held at 1:30. It should've been fun, right? Yeah, sure. I spent the morning deciding on how to ditch it this year.
But a little background info. I've ditched it once before, sophomore year. Back then it was a simple task, all it required was going right instead of left out of the north entrance. Nobody saw me. The simplicity was dumbfounding.
This year was different. This time, I had to go out of the south doors, the ones closest to Uni gym and most heavily monitored by the faculty. Trouble was abound. Jerry and Ben were secure, merely having to not arrive after PE. I was troubled as soon as the lights went out to signify the end. The madrigals came down, and I was worried. It was now or never. I tried to hang out in the bathroom until everybody left, but Mr. Smith came in, and in order to keep up my cover of innocence, I had to leave. It seemed as if I was doomed to attend the party. I entered the gym with Barr.
But here is where this story takes a twist. I was not done yet. In one last attempt, I slipped out to the doors and simply left. It was that easy, or so I thought. Barr's account later on reveals that Mr. Russel was 30 seconds behind me when I turned the corner to DCL, our agreed meeting spot. It was closer than I had thought.
I met with Max, Jerry, Ben, and Yuki in DCL. We went bowling, for lack of anything better to do. The bowling was funnier than most of our normal conversations, but I don't feel like describing it. Near the end of our second game, Barr, Kirill, and Yang burst into the alley. Their panting suggested either sex or something important. It turned out to be the latter.
Apparently, by treachery of Tomek, the donations had been switched BACK, and by virtue of murphy's law jerry had not been there at the crucial moment to recieve his prize. Kovaks, according to the three, was furious. Jerry, however, had become somewhat of a hero/martyr. A small price to pay, I suppose.

... it's one o'clock. I have more to say, but that will come later.


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