Thursday, December 09, 2004

Elmo Likes Blogger! Hee Hee Hee!

Hugh's Elmo impression is both vile and entertaining, as are most things I find funny. Things compound when individuals more frustrated than I take it upon themselves to dump trashcans unceremoniously on his head. I suppose things like this aren't to be taken for granted- I mean, where else could you go to the kitchen and play raucous games of revolution and euchre less than twenty feet away from, among other things, the principal's office? Where else could you walk into a bathroom to be greeted by a two-seated couch and an office chair? And, by gum, where else does the faculty seem more unstable and dysfunctional than you do?
If you find such a school elsewhere, tell me.
I think I should spend some time gathering up the trail of posts I've been leaving- it has, after all, spanned the course of nearly seven permutations- three group blogs (one you probably don't care to know about), three different services, two different identities (The Savage Truth, Ideas of a Disturbed Mind). It's funny how this all got started-
I think it started Sophomore year. The Grainger Walk was still alive and well, at least. I had this idea: start a blog, post our grainger walks on it. I'm pretty sure I was mad aware of blogs by Mary He, but it could have been something else. Anyways, Jerry and I took it and ran. We ran hard.
We started the Grainger Walk. For nostalgia, you may access its original location (permanently marred, however) at . Midway through it was moved to, and featured our first (and,unfortunately, last) unique collage. This blog itself carried the birth of Gay Baby (whose origins, if you must know, lie within a simpsons episode), whose memory we still cherish.
A few girls started We joined and contributed.
We also started our own individual blogs. Mojo Pin, Pipe Dreams, Ideas of a Disturbed Mind.
A while later came the advent of the fictitious narrative blog, Turbo Greg.
And, while the path is hazy, eventually we were aware of and reading the blogs of our classmates. What started as a local phenomenon turned into a class activity. But not by our doings, of course- right?
A brief history of our escapades in the blog world. Hope this brings back memories.

Let the taglines commence.


At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh man.
Is a group blog feasible these days?
We have a more organized group structure now, at least.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Lee the Agent said...

I don't see why not.


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