Friday, January 09, 2004

Not a whole lot has been shaking, and nothing's been baking, so I don't have a whole lot to go over today. It's a Friday, I've got just a measly physics final and a music theory test to get through, and the semester will be over. I'll start creative writing, and many things will be forgotten.

I've had ephemereal thoughts of learning to play the guitar now that I have experience with stringed instruments and chords, but they're mostly fantastical. How's that for dumb Shakespeare words? And I've mostly been reading LOTR because I have nothing better to do without a gaming console (only temporary, folks). I read some of the appendices, namely the history of the witch-king and the story of arwen and aragorn. I feel pathetic, but I suppose that's what I get.

Nobody seems to be posting. So here's a toast to Barr, the only one who cares.


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