PSAT scores came back. 219. Very pleased, to say the least... but I suppose I have to remind myself that the semi-finalists will be chosen September. Crossing my fingers, I suppose. Though the whole thing is over-hyped. The test itself doesn't allow for logical slips, and some talent can be lost in the cracks. I suppose that's what you get for having a mass impersonal testing system.
Blogging is hard, I must say, with parents behind your shoulder.
I've gotten more used to my contacts now, but looking at monitors is still tough business. My left eye, for some reason, hurts more when I put in the lens, but whatever.
Considering trading my PS2 stuff for an XBOX. Luke didn't seem pleased.
The Savage Truth
Friday, December 12, 2003
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Jerry brought to my attention that I don't update my blog very often... making him the one and only person who has admitted to readng my blog at all. I kind of like it this way, because crafting posts to amuse your peers is something I simply don't have tolerance for. And unlike Josie's blog, which gets laughs completely inadvertantly and Ben's blog, which is pure look-at-me-I'm-a-jew bullshit, I try to put my thoughts onto the screen and not think about what I'm going to type, because it will make people laugh. Of course, If I were actually able to do such, it'd be nice, but whatever.
Have I ever mentioned the Greatest Page in the Universe? No, I haven't. Maddox is funny to read, and also very, very right. And yes, he completely disses blogs, but I'm not claiming to be perfect. Try it out, you'll have no choice but to like it.
Winter break needs to start, damnit. I'm tired of school already.