Monday, December 29, 2003


And I've brought a post along with me. enjoy:

So I woke up in the hotel room at around 9 and arose expecting a trip back to Champaign as soon as we checked out. Boy oh boy, was I wrong. We first went to a McDonalds for breakfast (my parents did not want to pay another 90 bucks for brunch), and then went to a gargantuan complex named Ikea. Any guesses as to the nationality of this store? Hint: bork bork bork! Well, Ikea was like Wal-Mart with better prices and more sensible styles. We bought two lamps, some china, and an easel for my sister.

Did we go back then? No, we went to the International Club of Merchants, a fancy name for a Chinese-run store with Spanish and Asian food, and nothing else besides a bathroom. We shopped there for a while, and headed home at around 3.

Jerry says that Kangway is in Chicago now. What the hell is wrong with us? Chicago is a really boring place if you forget the good food. Apparently just because it's two hours away now we can go there a lot and call it a nice vacation spot.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Day 2:

Today has lead me to believe that good trips usually involve good food. Let me begin with breakfast. We went to a seperate complex of the resort called the Sedona Grill. Here we were treated to a buffet style brunch. Again the buffet style deceived me and I was surprised by the quality of the crab, potatoes and most notably the desserts (creme broulle, tiramisu, fruit with chocolate glace). It cost us dearly, but it was worth it.

We then journeyed to the Shedd Aquarium which was very crowded and had mediocre displays. The dolphins were the highlight of the visit. I was fine having settled upon a very satisfied stomach, but my sister complained all the way through.

Next came Chinatown, were I got my hair cut. They actually knew how to do my hair this time and did a very good job of keeping those damn shavings out of my shirt. We have a picture of my new hairstyle but I can't get it onto the computer quite yet.

No quotes today. Though I did see a fat guy with "FCUK" on his back. I was tempted to tell him to learn how to spell if he wanted to score.